Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Titularprofessur für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie sowie Inhaber einer Heisenberg-Stelle

DFG network

Religion and the Emotions

Emotions matter – because without them, nothing would matter. However, after an extremely fruitful phase for research into emotions, particularly in philosophy and in parts of systematic theology, interest in the subject has noticeably waned. The DFG-network “religion and the emotions” picks up there by offering a suitable institutional framework for the first time in this composition. The fundamental question is: What role do emotions play within the framework of an analytical philosophy and theology of existence with regard to questions of self-understanding, the openness of the world and the subject, and engagement as an expression of personal identity?



the network

[alternativer Bildtext]Foto:


[alternativer Bildtext]Foto: Lisa Lederer



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Foto: Lisa LedererFoto: Lisa Lederer

The research network “religion and the emotions” or ,,Religion und Emotionen.” is funded by the German Research Foundation (project number: 468734977) since 2021 and was applied for by Hartmut von Sass from Humboldt-University to Berlin.