Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Israelite History in its Ancient Near Eastern Context

Jonathan Böhm

Jonathan Jakob Böhm has been a research assistant at the Chair of History of Israel in the Ancient Near East since September 2023. His Ph.D. dissertation project explores the cultural relations of Israel in the Persian period.


Foto Jonathan Jakob Böhm.jpg


Burgstr. 26, room 116 

Telephone: 2093-91763

Appointments upon arrangement






Curriculum Vitae

  • since 09/2023: Research and teaching assistant at the chair for Israelite History in its Ancient Near Eastern Context
  • 08–12/2022: Visiting fellow at Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Science
  • since 11/2021: PhD student at the Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies
  • 10/2021: Degree in Protestant Theology (Magister Theologiae; Georg August University of Göttingen)
  • 11/2020: Bachelor of Arts in Ancient Cultures (Georg August University of Göttingen)
  • 07/2016–03/2021: Student assistant at the chairs of Bernd U. Schipper (Berlin; 2016–2019) and Reinhard Müller (Göttingen; 2019–2021)
  • 10/2015–10/2021: Studies in Protestant Theology and Ancient Cultures at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Abbey of the Dormition in Jerusalem, and Georg August University of Göttingen
  • 09/2014–08/2015: Volunteer at the Church of the Redeemer in Jerusalem
  • 04/2014: Abitur at the Theresianum Gymnasium Mainz


Ph.D. Dissertation Project

Research into the relationship between the Hebrew Bible and Egypt focuses increasingly on the religio-historical context of the 6th-4th centuries BC. However, for this period, the historical and cultural relations of the Yhwh cult centers in the central hill country of the southern Levant with the two lands on the Nile have not been comprehensively explored. So far, research has primarily concentrated on the Aramaic documents from Egypt, which testify to the presence of Yhwh worshippers on the Nile. Sources from Israel/Palestine, in contrast, have hardly been considered to address this question. My dissertation project, therefore, broadly evaluates the sources for relations with Egypt from the material culture of Israel/Palestine as well as from biblical texts. Thereby, it pursues the goal of an overall presentation of the historical and cultural contacts between Israel and Egypt in the Persian period.



  • Das Ideale Heiligtum. Das ägyptische Buch vom Tempel und die biblischen Heiligtumstexte (Ex 25–31.35–40) im religionsgeschichtlichen Vergleich, in: A. Verbovsek / E. Hemauer / A. Herzberg-Beiersdorf (eds.), Diskurs: Akteur – Gegenstand – Beziehungen. Beiträge des elften Berliner Arbeitskreises Junge Aegyptologie, Wiesbaden 2023, 75–88.
  • Der Pentateuch als Kompromissprodukt zwischen Garizim und Jerusalem. Aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme einer Forschungsthese, in: S. Alkier (ed.), Konstellationen antiker Tempelwirtschaft. Neue Perspektiven auf den Tempel am Garizim, den Jerusalemer-Tempel und das Artemision in Ephesos (Beyond Historicism 2), Paderborn 2022, 58–84.
  • Garizim, Heiligtum, in: Das wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet (, 2019.
  • „Tief ist der Brunnen der Vergangenheit“. Jesu Dialog mit einer Samaritanerin am Jakobsbrunnen in Joh 4,4–26 vor dem Hintergrund der Geschichte zweier nachexilischer palästinensischer JHWHismen, Salzburger Theologische Zeitschrift 23/2 (2019), 248–277.