Dr. Meike Röhrig
Meike J. Röhrig
research fellow
Burgstr. 26, #116
Tel.: 0049 -030 -2093-5882
office hours by appointment
e-mail: meike.roehrig@hu-berlin.de
- Since 10/2018: Research/teaching fellow at the chair for the History of Israel in the Ancient Near East (Lehrstuhl für Geschichte Israels in der Altorientalischen Welt), Prof. Dr. Dr. Bernd U. Schipper
- 2015-2018: Research Assistant in the DFG-research project "Innerbiblische Schriftauslegung in den erzählenden Texten des Pentateuch" at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (project director: Jun.-Prof. Walter Bührer). Doctoral Dissertation: "Schriftgelehrte Textbearbeitung und die Kunst des Erzählens. Innerbiblische Auslegung und priesterliche Fortschreibungen in Lev 8-10"
- 2015: Degree in Protestant Theology (Erstes Theologisches Examen, Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland)
- 2009-2015: Studies in Protestant Theology at the Universities of Heidelberg, Tübingen and Beirut
- 2013-2015: Scholarship of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
- 2013-2014: Studies in Protestant Theology (Ecumenism, Near Eastern Churches, Islam) at the Near East School of Theology in Beirut
- 2011-2016: participation in various joint excavation campaigns of the universities of Tel Aviv and Heidelberg in Jerusalem und Tel Azekah (Directors: Prof. Dr. Yuval Gadot, Prof. Dr. Oded Lipschits, Prof. Dr. Manfred Oeming)
- 2010-2015: student assistant at the chair for Old Testament Studies (Prof. Dr. Jan Christian Gertz) in Heidelberg
- 2009: Abitur (Gymnasium Schwertstraße Solingen)
- Born in 1990 in Wuppertal
Research Project on Ez 29-32
The project "Redaction and Tradition History of the Oracles concerning Egypt in Ez 29-32", funded by the German Research Foundation, analyzes the oracles concerning Egypt in Ezek 29–32 by correlating the question of the literary history of this text corpus with questions of its tradition history. Ezek 29–32 clearly draw on Egyptian ideas and material that have not been thoroughly investigated yet – especially not in correlation with a literary-historical analysis of the text. The working hypothesis is that an intensified examination of late Egyptian ideas and traditions is reflected above all in the younger literary levels of the Egyptian words, some of which can be dated to the Ptolemaic period.
Innerbiblische Auslegung und priesterliche Fortschreibungen in Lev 8-10. FAT II 128, Tübingen (Mohr Siebeck), 2021.
- Manifold Endings of “P”. Leviticus as a row of interpretative additions to Exodus. In Vorbereitung für: Berner/Samuel/Germany (Hrsg.), Book Seams in the Hexateuch, Bd. III.
- A Pair of Pyromaniacs. In The Ancient Jew Review, 15th February 2022 https://www.ancientjewreview.com/read/2022/2/2/a-pair-of-pyromaniacs (A discussion with recent scholarship on the relative dating of Lev 10 and concepts of “theocracy” in the Book of Leviticus).
- "Steig hinab und leg dich zu den Unbeschnittenen!" (Ez 32,19) - ein akkadisches Lehnwort als Schlüssel zu einer crux interpretum. UF 52 (2021), 195–215.
- Inverse Strategies of Creating Coherence. Lev 8 MT/LXX as "Empirical Evidence" for the Interplay of Text Reception and Text Production. In: Wagner, Thomas und Heckl, Raik (Hrsg.), Discourse on Methodology III. BiTS, Leuven (Peeters), in Vorbereitung durch die Herausgeber.
- Gesetz und Erzählung in Num 15. Redaktionsgeschichtliche Überlegungen zum Sabbatsünder (Num 15,32-36). ZAW 131 (2019), S. 407-421.
- Zur Literarkritik und Redaktionsgeschichte der alttestamentlichen Josefserzählung (Rezensionsartikel zu Ede, Franziska, Die Josefsgeschichte. Literarkritische und redaktionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur Entstehung von Gen 37-50. BZAW 485, Berlin/Boston 2016.) WdO 48 (2018), S. 99–115.
Encyclopedia articles
- „Pharaoh“. Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception. Eingereicht.
- „Libyen/Libyer“. Das Wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet (WiBiLex). 2021.
- "Vergessen". Das Wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet (WiBiLex), 2020.