Lecture Series Public Theology
Virtual Lecture Series
Public Theology: An International and Intercontextual Assessment
The lecture series revolves around the topic of public theology and is part of an international cooperation network comprising the Berlin Institute for Public Theology, Germany, the Beyers Naudé Centre for Public Theology, Stellenbosch, South Africa, and the Lutheran World Federation, Geneva (LWF). It brings together leading experts from all over the world delivering lectures on different aspects of public theology.
Each lecture will be prepared as a .mp4 file containing the lecture proper and accompanying slides, additionally, it will comprise study material and supplementary reading. The lecture series is designed to benefit graduate students of the participating universities, but also students in areas where study material and travel are difficult due to lack of funds or opportunities.
Each lecture is available free of charge in two formats to ensure accessibility:
Format 1:
(good internet connection - two files): video file (.mp4) + task sheet (.pdf)
Format 2:
(poor internet connection - three files): audio file (.mp3) + presentation slide file (.pdf) + task sheet (.pdf)
Prof. Dr. Dion Forster, Stellenbosch University
Dr. Sivin Kit, Lutheran World Federation
Prof. Dr. Torsten Meireis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Find all lectures here.