Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Neuere Christentumsgeschichte (en)

Research projects

"Zugänge zur europäischen-Religionsgeschichte im Gespräch. Irene Dingel zum Geburtstag"
(Prof. Dr. Judith Becker mit Dr. Corinna Ehlers und Dr. Andrea Hofmann)


The ecumenical movement in the 19th and early 20th centuries: conceptions of unity in times of nationalism (Prof. Dr. Judith Becker).


Nationalism and Internationalism in the Young Ecumenical Movement, 1895–1920s
International Video Conference 8–10 October 2020, co-sponsored with Prof. Dr. Dana L. Robert, Boston University (Prof. Dr. Judith Becker).


Historiography of World Christianity and missions (Prof. Dr. Judith Becker).


Heritage and/as entanglement in interreligious contact zones: the living
heritage of the Basel Mission (Prof. Dr. Judith Becker).


Menschen - Bilder - Eine Welt. Menschenbilder in Missionszeitschriften aus der Zeit des Kaiserreichs (Prof. Dr. Judith Becker with Jun. Prof. Dr. Katharina Stornig, Gießen, in cooperation with the Leibniz-Institut for European History, Mainz).
Funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.


Transfer and Transformation of Missionaries' Images of Europe in Contact with the Other, 1700-1970, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Project leader (Prof. Dr. Judith Becker).


Zwischen Heimatfront und Schlachtfeld - "Kriegsbilder" in protestantischen Predigten und Andachtsschriften des Ersten Weltkriegs (Dr. Andrea Hofmann, funded by a DFG-Forschungsstipendium).


Kirchliche Lehre und Ethik der Antitrinitarier in Polen (Marcus König).