Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Neuere Christentumsgeschichte (en)

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Jasper Althaus


-Research and Teaching Assistant-

Postal Adress:

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Theologische Fakultät
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Office: Burgstraße 26
Raum 521


Tel: 30-2093 91813

 E-Mail: jasper.althaus[at]


Office hours: by arrangement
Please register per e-mail.



Personal Details


since 2024 Erasmus Coordinator, Theological Faculty, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
since 2022 Research and Teaching Assistant at the chair of Early Modern and Modern History of Christianity, Theological Faculty, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
2021 First Theological Examination/Diploma in Protestant Theology
2018/2019 Ecumenical study year (Centro Melantone / Melanchthon-Zentrum) in Rome at various pontifical universities and at the protestant Facoltá Valdese di Teologia
2016–2021 Scholarship by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
2015–2021 Studies in Protestant Theology in Berlin, Rome, and Marburg

Research Interests


  • History of 19th century mission
  • Protestant christian piety in the 19th century
  • Jewish-Christian relationship in the GDR


Dissertation Project


One missionary community? Concepts of Community in the Rhenish Missionary Society 1828–1880 (working title)

In the early years of the Rhenish Missionary Society, I want to investigate the question of how the missionary society was theoretically conceived, theologically reflected and practically lived as a community. Who saw themselves as part of it and was recognized as such? Where did the boundaries of this community run? And what tension existed between theological convictions, efforts of standardisation, and community practices? I assume that the different community conceptions were negotiated in an ongoing process. Not only the leaders but in particular non-European Christians had a share in shaping the mission. They adopted the community ideas of the European missionaries, rejected them in parts, developed new social structures and thus filles decisive roles in the mission.


WiSe 2023/24
SoSe 2023
WiSe 2022/23


SoSe 2022