Contact details
Prof. Dr. Judith Becker
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Theologische Fakultät
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Sitz: Burgstraße 26
Raum 517
Tel: 030-2093 91812
Fax: 030-2093 91811
E-Mail: Judith.Becker[at]
Office hours during semester break :
August 7th 10 am - 11 am
September 12th 10 am - 11 am
Oktober 8th 10 am - 11 am
Please register per e-mail
Personal details
Since October 2017 |
Professor of Early Modern and Modern History of Christianity, Faculty of Theology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
2007–2017 | Senior researcher, Leibniz Institute of European History, Mainz |
2010–2014 | Project leader, Junior Research Group Europa von außen gesehen Transfer und Transformation der Europabilder evangelischer Missionare im Kontakt mit dem Anderen, 1700-1970. funded by the BMBF |
2006–2007 | Lecturer at the Chair for Historical Theology, Ruprecht Karls-Universität-Heidelberg |
2000–2003 | Curate |
1999–2000 | Junior researcher at the Institute for Reformation History, Faculty of Protestant Theology, and at the Institute for North American History, Faculty of History, Ruhr University Bochum |
2021–2022 | Fellow at the Institut d'études avancées de Nantes |
2015–2016 | Fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala |
2010–2012 | Scholarship of the Fast Track Programm der Robert Bosch Stiftung |
2003–2006 | Scholarship of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes |
Studied Protestant Theology, Philosophy and History at the Universities of Bochum, Wuppertal and Paris IV/Faculté libre de théologie protestante de Paris | |
2014 | Habilitation, Protestant Theology, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz |
2006 | Dr. theol., Ruhr University Bochum |
2002 | Second Theological Examination (Ministerial Examination) |
1999 | First Theological Examination/Diploma in Protestant Theology |
Awards for the dissertation thesis:
2006 | Caspar-Olevian-Preis |
2007 | J. F. Gerhard Goeters-Preis |
Award for the Habilitation thesis:
2017 | Preis "Begegnung der Kulturen" |
Research focuses
- Nationalism and Internationalism in the Young Ecumenical Movement, 1895–1920s
- The ecumenical movement in the 19th and early 20th centuries: conceptions of unity in times of nationalism
- European religion in non-European contact zones: history of missions
- The Basel Mission Society in South India
- Conversion
- Reformed Confessionalisation
- Faith migration in the Reformation era
- Protestant church ordinances in the Reformation era
Memberships and Functions
- Subject editor Churches and religious culture. Protestantism of the "Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit" (since 2016)
- Editorial board 'Theologische Bibliothek'
- Editorial board Edition Reformierter Bekenntnisschriften (since 2013)
- Expert representative of church history, editorial board "Verkündigung und Forschung"
- Scientific advisory board of the project "Connected Histories-Contested Values. World Lutheranism, Loyalties and Processes of Decolonisation, 1919–1970", Stavanger
- Scientific advisory board "Global Bible: British and German Bible Societies Translating Coloni-alism (GloBi)"
- Scientific advisory board, „Encountering theologies in the context of migration – Theologien von Migrationskirchen“ (since 2023)
- Scientific advisory board, Archiv- und Museumsstiftung der VEM
- Scientific advisory board, Johannes a Lasco Library Emden (2017–2022)
- Scientific advisory board, European Melanchthon Academy Bretten (2014–2017)
- Member of the Theological Committee of the UEK
- Vertrauensdozentin (liaison officer), Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (since 2020)
- Gesellschaft für die Geschichte des reformierten Protestantismus (member of the board 2011–2023, secretary 2019–2023)
- Editorial advisory board, Asian Review of Humanities
- Prize Committee "Strauss Prize" for the best English book on the German Reformation, awarded at the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, 2011 + 2013, 2014
- Hannoveraner Initiative Evangelisches Kirchenrecht (2006–2009)
Publications (selection)
- Conversio im Wandel: Basler Missionare zwischen Europa und Südindien und die Ausbildung einer Kontaktreligiosität, 1834–1860 (VIEG 238), Göttingen 2015.
- Gemeindeordnung und Kirchenzucht. Johannes a Lascos Kirchenordnung für London (1555) und die reformierte Konfessionsbildung (SMRT 122), Leiden u.a. 2007.
- (with Katharina Stornig), Menschen – Bilder – Eine Welt. Ordnungen von Vielfalt in der religiösen Publizistik um 1900 (VIEG Beiheft 118), Göttingen 2018
- (ed.), European Missions in Contact Zones. Transformation through Interaction in a (Post-)Colonial World, (VIEG Beiheft 107), Göttingen 2015.
- Gendered behaviour: religious norms and sexual deviance in the Basel India Mission in the first half of the nineteenth century, in: Jyoti Atwal/Iris Fleßenkämper (ed.), Gender and Violence in Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Situating India, London/New York 2020, 76–94.
- Zwischen kultureller Überlegenheit und universaler Menschlichkeit. Selbstverständnisse europäischer Christinnen und Christen im Kontakt mit den "Anderen" im 19. Jahrhundert, in: Michael Meyer-Blanck (ed.), Christentum und Europa. XVI. Europäischer Kongress für Theologie (10.-13. September 2017 in Wien) (VWGTh 57), Leipzig 2019, 474–497.
- Die Rolle der Obrigkeit in reformierten Kirchenordnungen der Frühen Neuzeit, in: Heinrich de Wall (ed.), Reformierte Staatslehre in der Frühen Neuzeit (Historische Forschungen 102), Berlin 2014, 235–261.