Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Forschungsbereich Religion und Politik

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Forschungsbereich Religion und Politik - Lehrstuhl für Praktische Theologie und Religionspädagogik



Program on Religion and Politics


Forschungsbereich Religion und Politik (FRP)
Program on Religion, Politics and Economics

supported by


Berliner Reden zur Religionspolitik


Brief Description of the “Berliner Reden zur Religionspolitik“

The organisation of a continuing series of lectures on religion and politics/economics in the by now traditional format of the “Berliner Reden zur Religionspolitik“, to be established at Humboldt University, Berlin in association with the Haniel Stiftung (Haniel Foundation), is intended to make the program known to a wider public. The ideas and concerns of the program are thus extended beyond the university and the academic sphere.

The „Berliner Reden zur Religionspolitik“, sponsored by the Haniel Foundation, have already received a broad and positive response, regionally and nationwide. The first lecture was delivered by the Federal Minister of the Interior, Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble, and broadcast by the television channel Phoenix . The second lecture was given by historian Prof Paul Nolte and published in the weekly Rheinischer Merkur. The third lecture took the form of a disputation between Professors Bernhard Schlink and Herfried Münkler, with close to 400 people attending. Prof José Casanova’s lecture in New York was printed in abridged form in the daily Süddeutsche Zeitung. In the autumn of 2006, the Federal Minister of Justice, Brigitte Zypries, delivered a lecture on religion and law which elicited a nationwide response. For 2007, Prof Di Fabio, judge at the Federal Constitutional Court , has accepted the invitation to give a lecture.

For the next “Berliner Reden” the Program on Religion and Politics plans to place an emphasis on the relationship between religion and economics. Thus, topics such as “Business Ethics”, “Family-Owned Businesses as the Realization of the Principle of Subsidiarity in Catholic Social Teaching” or “Economics and Values” will be addressed systematically and audibly in the German capital through lectures by experts from the world of business.


The Next „Berliner Reden zur Religionspolitik“:


Past „Berliner Reden zur Religionspolitik“:



Prof. Marcia Pally, Ph. D. (New York University):
Der unsichtbare Einfluss des Evangelikalismus auf die US-amerikanische Außenpolitik

Further Information




Prof. Stephen Holmes, Ph. D.(New York University):
Religion and Political Violence: Is it Possible to Demonstrate
a Causal Link?

Further Information



7 th „Berliner Reden zur Religionspolitik“:

Professor Dr. Dr. Udo Di Fabio (Verfassungsrichter):
Gewissen, Glaube, Religion: Wandelt sich die Religionsfreiheit ?

Further Information




5 th „Berliner Reden zur Religionspolitik“:

Minister Brigitte Zypries, Minister of Justice:

“Religion and the Law” (Read the article)

Press coverage of the 5 th „Berliner Reden zur Religionspolitik“ (all articles are in German):

  • Die Zeit: Die Religionsfreiheit geht zu weit… (read the article)
  • TAZ: Ein Symbol der Ausgrenzung- Die Justizministerin will die Religionsfreiheit einschränken (read the article)
  • Rheinischer Merkur: Recht ist nicht alles - Ministerin Zypries will das Grundgesetz ändern. Sie hat sich verrannt (read the article)
  • Evangelische Nachrichten Agentur idea: Bundesjustizministerin für Schranken bei der Religionsfreiheit (read the article)
  • Evangelischer Pressedienst (epd): Bundesjustizministerin Zypries fordert Präzisierung der Religionsfreiheit im Grundgesetz (read the article)

06 June 2006

4 th „Berliner Reden zur Religionspolitik“:

 Prof. Dr. José Casanova:

“Islam, Catholicism and Modernism”

Press coverage of the 4 th „Berliner Reden zur Religionspolitik“ (all articles are in German):

Süddeutsche Zeitung (6.6.06/Nr.128):
Nach alter katholischer Schule.
Islamische Gruppen suchen ihren Platz auf der Weltbühne in ähnlicher Weise wie einst manche Christen im 19. Jahrhundert. Von José Casanova. (Read the manuscript)

Further information


11 April 2006

3 rd „Berliner Reden zur Religionspolitik“:

Prof. Dr. Herfried Münkler and Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schlink:

Being a Victim or Making a Sacrifice? A Disputation

Further information


24 January 2006

2 nd „Berliner Reden zur Religionspolitik“:

Prof. Dr. Paul Nolte

“From a Disturbance to a New Resource: Do We Need a State Supporting Religion?”

Further information


25 October 2005

1 st „Berliner Reden zur Religionspolitik“:

Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble , Member of the German Bundestag:

“Religion as a Political Challenge”

Further information


Religionspolitisches Atelier


Um 8 p.m.(s.t.) there will take place a "Religionspolitisches Atelier" with a discussion on the topic

Sind Religionen gefährlich? Gefährlich für die Demokratie? Gefährlich für die künftige US-amerikanische Politik?

Marcia Pally and Rolf Schieder will be speaking.

Further information



Further events and information



The co-operation between the Forschungsbereichs Religion und Politik (Program on Religion and Politics) (FRP) and the Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS) continued successfully in the past year expanding on the topic of Religion and Politics in Germany and the USA.

A series of joint conferences took place supported by the Transatlantik-Programm (Transatlantic Program) of the German Government and organised by the AICGS:

  • "German and American Perspectives on Religious Pluralism: Domestic and Global Dimensions" on May 22 nd 2006 in Berlin
    (Further information)
  • "German and American Perspectives on Religion and Fundamentalism" on November 17 th 2006 in Washington DC
    (Further information)

The co-operation continued this year with another joint conference, supported by the Robert-Bosch-Foundation, on April in Berlin .




Day Conference: "German and American Perspectives on Religion and Fundamentalism":

The Program on Religion and Politics (FRP) and the Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS) continued their conferences on "Religion und Politik in Deutschland und den USA" (Religion and Politics in Germany and the USA). The second conference took place in Washington DC on 17 November 2006 and addressed the subject of “Fundamentalism”.

This series of events is organised by the AICGS and supported by the Transatlantik-Programm of the German Government.



Newspaper article:

"Integration als Versprechen - Beim Islamgipfel geht es nicht nur um die Anpassung der Muslime an die Mehrheit. Auch die deutsche Gesellschaft kommt dabei um Integrationsleistungen nicht herum"

Prof Schieder in the dailyTageszeitung of 26 September 2006 :

Read full article



Newspaper article:

"Wann protestieren die Protestanten? Viel radikaler als den Islam griff Papst Benedikt die evangelische Kirche an."

Prof Schieder in the daily Berliner Zeitung of 23 September 2006

Read full article



Press coverage of the open letter written by seven professors on the elections for the Abgeordnetenhaus (parliament) in Berlin:

  • FAZ: Wahlappell Berliner Theologen (full article)
  • Der Tagesspiegel: Wahlkampf um Ethikfach - Rat der Theologen (full article)
  • Berliner Zeitung: Theologieprofessoren geben Wahlempfehlung (full article)
  • TAZ: Christen sollen Rot-Rot bestrafen (full article)
  • Berliner Morgenpost: Wahlempfehlung von evangelischen Professoren (full article)


Open letter on the elections of September 17 th:

Seven professors of the Faculty of Theology advise Christians in Berlin to cast their votes strategically, making the introduction of regular Religious Education/Ethics more likely at Berlin schools during the coming parliamentary term.

Read the letter and accompanying communication (in German)



Religion and Politics – Transatlantic Perspectives

A conference of the Program on Religion and Politics of the Humboldt-University of Berlin .

View Program

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