Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Cilliers Breytenbach

Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl)

Zur vollständigen Publikationsliste (1984-2018): ►►►.


Nachfolge und Zukunftserwartung nach Markus. Eine methodenkritische Studie (AThANT 71), Zürich 1984. (= Dissertation, München 1983).

Versöhnung. Eine Studie zur paulinischen Soteriologie (WMANT 60), Neukirchen-Vluyn 1989.(= Habilitationsschrift, München 1985).

Paulus und Barnabas in der Provinz Galatien. Studien zu Apostelgeschichte 13f.; 16,6; 18,23 und den Adressaten des Galaterbriefes (AGJU 38), Leiden 1996. ►►►

Grace, Reconciliation, Concord. The Death of Christ in Graeco-Roman Metaphors (NT.S 135), Leiden 2010. ►►►

[mit Christiane Zimmermann] Early Christianity in Lycaonia and Adjacent Areas: From Paul to Amphilochius of Iconium (ECAM 101), Leiden 2018. ►►►

Von Texten zu Geschichten. Aufsätze zur Konzeption und Geschichte der Wissenschaft vom Neuen Testament (WUNT 448), Tübingen, 2020. ►►►

The Gospel according to Mark as Episodic Narrative (NT.S 182), Leiden, 2021. ►►►

[mit Elli Tzavella] Early Christianity in Athens, Attica, and Adjacent Areas (AJEC 114/ECG 1), Leiden 2023.

Digitale Publikation

Inschriftendatenbank Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae (ICG): A Digital Collection of Greek Early Christian Inscriptions from Asia Minor and Greece.

Herausgegeben seit 2014

[mit Pieter W. van der Horst] Sparsa Collecta. The Collected Essays of W.C. van Unnik. Part Four: Neotestamentica – Flavius Josephus – Patristica (NT.S 156), Leiden 2014. ►►

Paul's Graeco-Roman Context (BETL 277), Leuven 2015. ►►►

[mit Fabian Horn] Spatial Metaphors. Ancient Texts and Transformations, Berlin 2016. ►►►

God's Power for Salvation: Romans 1,1-5,11, Leuven 2017. ►►►

[mit Julien Ogereau] Authority and Identity in Emerging Christianities in Asia Minor and Greece (AJEC 103), Leiden 2018. ►►►

[mit Chiara Ferella] Paths of Knowledge. Interconnection(s) between Knowledge and Journey in the Greco-Roman World, Berlin 2018.►►►

[mit Christoph Markschies] Adolf Deißmann: Ein (zu Unrecht) fast vergessener Theologe und Philologe, Leiden 2019. ►►►

Aufsätze seit 2014 (Auswahl)

The Early Christians and Their Greek Bible: Quotations from the Psalms and Isaiah in Inscriptions from Asia Minor, in: Wolfgang Kraus und Siegfried Kreuzer (Hg.), Die Septuaginta – Text, Wirkung, Rezeption. 4. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal 19.–22. Juli 2012 (WUNT 325), Tübingen 2014, 759–774.

The Historical Example in 1 Clement, ZAC 18,1 (2014), 17–28.

‘Metaphorical’ Redefinition of Church Space through LXX Texts on Christian Monuments from Asia Minor, in: The Metaphorical Use of Language in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature, hrsg. von Markus Witte und Sven Behnke (Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Yearbook 2014/2015), Berlin 2015, 471-485.

Die Briefe des Paulus: Kreuzpunkt griechisch-römischer Traditionen, in: Cilliers Breytenbach (Hg.), Paul's Graeco-Roman Context (BETL 277), Leuven 2015, 3-28.

‘Fundamental rights and religion: The space between Cathedral and Parliament’, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 71(1), Art. #2989, 5 pages. ►►►.

Lights from the Ancient Near East. Illumination of exterior and interior space in the New Testament, in: Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 91,3 (2015), 101-108.

"Taufen" als Metapher in den Briefen des Paulus: Randbemerkungen zur Wendung βαπτισθῆναι εἰς τι/τινα, in: Jochen Flebbe / Matthias Konradt (Hg.), Ethos und Theologie im Neuen Testament. Festschrift für Michael Wolter, Neukirchen-Vluyn 2016, 163-288.

"Christian Prisoners: Fifth and Sixth Century Inscriptions from Corinth, Acta Theologica, Suppl. 23 (2016), 302-309.

Lycaonian Christianity under Roman Rule and their Jewish-Christian Tradition, in: Yair Fürstenberg (Hg.), Jewish and Christian Communal Identities in the Roman World, Leiden: Brill 2016, 185-200.

[mit Fabian Horn, Camilla Di Biase-Dyson, Markus Egg, Therese Fuhrer, Verena Lobsien, Renate Schlesier, Jan Stenger, Beatrice Trînca] Spatial Metaphors of the Ancient World. Theory and Practice, in: Special Volume 6 (2016): Space and Knowledge. Topoi Research Group Articles, ed. by Gerd Graßhoff and Michael Meyer, 453–480. ►►►

[mit Julien Ogereau:] Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae (ICG) 1.0: An Online Database and Repository of Early Christian Greek Inscriptions from Asia Minor and Greece, Early Christianity 8 (2017), 409–419.►►►

The letter to the Romans as Paul’s legacy to theology: Reception in exposition, Stellenbosch Theological Journal 3,2 (2017), 269–297.►►►

Relational Identity and Roman Name-Giving among Lycaonian Christians, in: Ders./J. Ogereau (Hg.), Authority and Identity in Emerging Christianities in Asia Minor and Greece, Leiden: Brill 2018, 144-167.►►►

Das Markusevangelium, in: Becker, E.-M., Horn, F.W., Koch, D.-A.(Hg.), Der »Kritisch-exegetische Kommentar« in seiner Geschichte, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2018, 106-123.►►►

Epigraphic Evidence for the Impact of Paul in Central Asia Minor, in: J. Schröter, S. Butticaz, A. Dettwiler (eds.), Receptions of Paul in early Christianity. The Person of Paul and his Writings through the Eyes of his Early Interpreters (BZNW 234), Berlin: De Gruyter 2018, 825-838.

Mark's Tense Future, in: Early Christianity 12 (2021) 297-321.

Синоптички проблем [Synoptisches Problem], in: Lexikon der biblischen Hermeneutik (LBH), Filon & Službeni Glasnik, Belgrad 2022, 573-576.

Virtues in New Testament Letters and Corresponding Names on Early Christian Sepulchral Epitaphs in ICG, in: P.G. Bolt and S. Kim (eds.), God's Grace Inscribed on the Human Heart: Essays in Honour of James R. Harrison, Sydney: SCD, 2022, 487-504.

Imperative Aspect in the Gospel according to Mark: Performative Instruction through Direct Speech, in G. Kotzé and P.R. Bosman (eds.), Ancient Philosophy and Early Christianity: Studies in Honor of Johan C. Thom (NovT Sup. 189) Leiden: Brill, 2022, 388-413.

Where Mark did not follow the LXX Versions: Pre-Markan Tradition in Mark 1,2; 4,12; 9,48; 13,24-25, 15,34, in: Henk Jan de Jonge, Mark Grundeken, John Kloppenborg and Christopher Tuckett (eds.), The Gospels and their Receptions. Festschrift Joseph Verheyden (BEThL CCCXXX), Leuven: Peeters, 2022, 97-117.

Mark’s use of τὸ εὐαγγέλιον in: David Moessner, Paul B. Duff, Janet Spittler, and Robert Matthew Calhoun (eds.), Paul, Christian Textuality, and the Hermeneutics of Late Antiquity: Essays in Honor of Margaret M. Mitchell (NovT Sup. 190), Leiden: Brill, 2023, 155-176.

Der unreine Aussätzige und der mitleidende gereizte Jesus, in: M.M.S. Ibita, D. Kurek-Chomycz, B. Lemmelijn and S. Whitear (eds.), Kindness, Courage, and Integrity in Biblical Texts and in the Politics of Biblical Interpretation (BEThL CCCXXXIII), Leuven: Peeters, 2023, 91-101.

Dissemination of Biblical Narratives, Motifs and Figures through Early Chritian Inscriptions and Homilies, in. L. Ayres, M.W. Champion and M. Crawford (eds.), The Intellectual World of Late Antique Christianity: Reshaping Classical Traditions, CAmbridge: University Press, 2023, 303-327.
